Meet the Executive Board of the Friends of PCI

  • Judith Everitt


    FAVORITE BOOK OF 2022: Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin by Jill Lepore

    Judy is a retired librarian who worked in New Jersey schools as a school librarian for 18 years and in the Somerset County Public Library System for 7 years. She started volunteering in libraries when she was in 4th grade and continues to do so.

    After retiring, Judy and her husband moved to Philadelphia in 2017. She says it was the best retirement decision that they made and they love city living. Judy has been involved with The Friends of PCI Library since 2017 and says, “It has been a most rewarding and enjoyable experience.”

  • Jenna Celius


    FAVORITE BOOK: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler

    For a living, Jenna manages and produces content for events and has years of experience managing volunteers. As former library assistant, Jenna has a deeply engrained love for libraries. In her free time, you can often find Jenna spending time curled up with her pets and a book.

    Jenna has been both a member of the Friends of PCI and a member of her book group for over 7 years.

  • Pat McGovern Gorchov


    FAVORITE BOOK: Milkman, by Anna Burns

    Pat McGovern Gorchov has served as the secretary of the Friends of PCI Board of Directors for six years, and she enjoys collaborating on various projects with her fellow Board members. In addition to her role as secretary, Pat, along with past president of the Board Pam Freyd, also cares for the plants in the library.

    Pat admits that identifying her favorite book is challenging, but says that she’d probably choose Milkman, a novel by Anna Burns, along with all books written by Maggie O’Farrell. 

    Besides being a Friends of PCI Board member, Pat keeps active by participating in Zumba Gold; she is also involved with the organizations LiveWell, Together Women Rise, and Friends in the City (FitC).

  • Patricia Callahan


    FAVORITE BOOK: Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

    Patricia Callahan is a retired librarian who believes in the importance of public libraries. She is glad to know several Friends of PCI who feel the same, particularly her dedicated colleagues on the PCI Board.

    When she’s not exploring the sights of Philadelphia, Patricia enjoys travel, ethnic food, music, especially jazz, and reading.

  • Rochelle E. Schwartz


    FAVORITE BOOK: The Rose Code by Kate Quinn

    After graduating from West Philadelphia High School, Rochelle worked at Temple University as a secretary in three departments. She is a long-time member of Jewish Women International.

    An avid member of her book club for many years, Rochelle has served on the Friends of PCI Board since 2020.

  • Roberta Binderman


    FAVORITE BOOKS TO ESCAPE TO: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Roberta holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Temple University and a master's degree in education from Beaver (now Arcadia University). Roberta worked as a Hearing Officer in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court doing child support. In addition to her work with the Court, from 1988 until 2017, Roberta taught English and literature to veterans at the University of Pennsylvania. “That was my fun job, which kept me sane while doing child support”